Navigating Newlyn Harbour Posted on June 13, 2019 at 8:45 am. Newlyn Harbour is one of the largest fishing ports in England. We have extensive facilities, services and expertise, supporting the development and sustainability of the fishing industry, as well as the livelihoods of our hardworking fishermen. With multiple states of tide, we can accommodate a wide range of vessels with varying needs. It’s important to be safe and aware when approaching a busy fishing port. Our navigational video (at the end of this post) shows you how best to arrive, the facilities and key markers to be aware of, plus all the fantastic services available. Arriving at Newlyn Harbour As you approach the harbour, you’ll see our lighthouse. Next to this is our heritage spot, the Ordnance Datum Newlyn, where the mean sea level is measured. This is open at certain times of the year for you to visit. If you are entering at night, you will see our green sector light to the right of the harbour to help guide you in. If you are bearing above 235 degrees, you are pointing slightly too far north, so you’ll need to come a little further south and you’ll see the gap as you approach. Leaving Newlyn Harbour The harbour sits at the bottom of the hill with prevailing south-westerly winds. We would advise you avoid departing the harbour on a south easterly wind, as this can make the exit tricky. On exiting, you’ll typically expect to keep to the starboard side. We recommend that you keep to the middle of the channel just to be sure if anyone does cut the corner on entering the harbour, you have plenty of space to manoeuvre. Our Navigation Video Watch our navigational video below for more information on Newlyn Harbour, its facilities and technical information including tidal ranges and dredge depths. If you need any further advice about entering or leaving Newlyn Harbour, please get in touch and our friendly, experienced team will be happy to help.