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Newlyn Pier & Harbour Commissioners’ Update – August 2023

Newlyn Pier & Harbour Commissioners’ Update – August 2023

Following the monthly Board Meeting of Newlyn Pier & Harbour Commissioners (NP&HC), here is an update on the latest developments at the Port.

The Commissioners were pleased to welcome new Commissioners, Nick Howell and Nathan de Rozarieux to their first Board meeting and expressed thanks to them both for volunteering their time, expertise and fishing industry insights for the benefit of the Newlyn community.

NP&HC’s planned public consultation event to share Poynton Bradbury Wynter Cole’s proposed designs for the Newlyn Marine Skills & Resource Centre took place shortly after the meeting and its plans were broadly welcomed by those who attended.

The Newlyn Marine Skills & Resource Centre, the proposed location of which is along The Strand, will create a much-needed centre of excellence for learning and the further development of maritime expertise in Cornwall. It is being funded by the UK Government’s Town Deal initiative as part of its Levelling Up agenda to deliver regeneration plans across the country.

“This proposed development in Newlyn will not only provide opportunities for our hardworking fishers to upskill and future-proof their livelihoods but also offer training and development for those who work across the wider marine industries,” explained NP&HC Chairman, Rob Wing. “We warmly thank everyone who attended our public consultation and commented on the designs, and look forward to working with the architects on the planning application, which we aim to submit to Cornwall Council before the end of the summer.”

Anyone unable to attend the recent public consultation event who wishes to comment on the proposed designs prior to the formal planning application process is encouraged to do so by emailing Harbour Master & CEO, Jonathan Poynter via info@newlynharbour.com

At their August meeting, the Commissioners also deliberated the thorny issue of car parking in Newlyn and how best to maximise the spaces that are available within the Harbour Estate for the benefit of fishers and other users.

“Although we introduced a revised parking permit structure earlier this year, we accept that this does not provide a perfect solution,” added Rob Wing. “We plan to consult our stakeholders, once again, to discuss ideas on how to improve the situation and utilise what we have to best effect.”

In terms of ongoing maintenance at Newlyn Harbour, pylons will be replaced at Mary Williams Quay on a phased basis from later this month; the first phase of the resurfacing project at North Quay is now complete with further surface repairs planned in the coming months and a new project to replace the existing ladders along the Fish Market quay with a modern, modular structure called the LifeLadder® is now underway.

Constructed from reinforced plastic modules in a UV-resistant bright yellow colour, the LifeLadder® combines the flexibility of a rope ladder, the rigidity of a traditional marine ladder and integral lighting to enhance visibility and improve safety. The LifeLadder® also delivers on sustainability as it is a fully recyclable product and any damaged modules can be individually replaced.

As part of an initial trial, the first of four ladders is already in situ and three more will be installed within the next few weeks.

The proposed designs for the Newlyn Marine Skills & Resource centre are here:

Poynton Bradbury Wynter Cole Presentation Boards