01736 362523 // VHF Ch 12

Notice to Mariners – Vicinity of the Wave Hub

Notice to Mariners – Vicinity of the Wave Hub

Mariners are advised to navigate with caution in the vicinity of the Wave Hub offshore site between the North and South Cardinal buoys in the following positions:

North Cardinal Mark “Wave Hub NW”  Latitude 50 deg 23.06’N Longitude 05 deg 38.24’W

South Cardinal Mark “Wave Hub SE”  Latitude 50 deg 20.64’N Longitude 05 deg 35.01’W

Please be advised that the following faults have been reported:









Wave Hub boundary SW


Special Mark


Latitude 50 deg 20.70’N Longitude 05 deg 37.24’W




Light Extinguished


Wave Hub boundary E


Special Mark


Latitude 50 deg 21.91’N Longitude 05 deg 35.82’W




Light not synchronised with other boundary lights


Wave Hub NW


North Cardinal


Latitude 50 deg 23.06’N Longitude 05 deg 38.24’W


AIS unit not transmitting


This notice supersedes the previous notice issued on 19th June.