Newlyn Pier & Harbour Commissioners’ Update – September 2022 Posted on September 15, 2022 at 8:02 am. Following the monthly Board Meeting of Newlyn Pier & Harbour Commissioners (NP&HC), here is an update on the latest developments at the Port. After a pause during the heat of August for planned holiday, NP&HC met this month to resume their discussions regarding the future development of Newlyn Harbour. NP&HC have been awarded £80k by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) to enlist the services of an experienced consultancy firm to undertake a feasibility study. The purpose of this is to explore the options available for Sandy Cove with a view to creating a viable expansion plan for the Port. The Harbour Commissioners and members of its Advisory Board have also received training from the CEO of the British Ports Association, Richard Ballantyne OBE, to learn more about how a Trust Port operates and now better understand the statutory mechanism within which they function. New Harbour Master & Chief Executive, Jonathan Poynter, continues to familiarise himself with all aspects of his new role, given the complex management process at the Harbour. In terms of operational developments, remedial works have been implemented at Mary Williams Pier. The pylons which form the chafing pieces for vessels to lean against along the quayside are, historically, made of wood. A further grant from the MMO has made it possible for these chafing pieces to be upgraded with the installation of new pylons made from coated steel and a non-degradable substance, which will significantly extend their durability. This repair and renewal project will continue across the Harbour estate as other pylons require replacement. NP&HC are currently in the process of applying to the MMO and the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) for funding to enable them to install a second grader in Newlyn Fish Market. This will enable smaller fish and handline mackerel to be serviced, and improve the quality of fish that is landed and made available for sale. The Harbour Commissioners continue to investigate the provision of fuel bunkering services at the Port and plan to make a grant application to the MMO and DEFRA for this in the near future. “With deep sorrow, we mark the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II who, with her wise counsel and constancy, has provided a steady hand on the tiller in stormy seas during the seven decades of her reign,” says Chairman of NP&HC, Rob Wing. “His Majesty King Charles III and his family are in our thoughts and prayers, and we give thanks for Her Majesty’s unswerving commitment to her country. “In this turbulent month, the UK also has a new Prime Minister. We look forward to welcoming her newly-appointed Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Ranil Jayawardena MP to Newlyn Harbour when his schedule allows and pay tribute to his predecessor, George Eustice MP for his guidance and support during his tenure.”