Harbour Master’s Notice: Newlyn Harbour’s Water Supply Posted on September 4, 2024 at 2:34 pm. Newlyn Harbour’s private water supply derives from a series of catchments at Trewidden Farm, which requires periodic testing by Cornwall Council under the Private Water Supplies Regulations 2016. Following a recent test by Cornwall Council, we have been advised that Newlyn Harbour’s private water supply to one specific location within the Harbour Estate has been found to contain an excess level of lead. Although the risk to human health is low, Newlyn Harbour’s private water supply is therefore deemed unfit for consumption until the cause and extent of this contamination has been identified and rectified. Newlyn Pier & Harbour Commissioners have taken immediate corrective action to safeguard the health of Harbour users by advising them to cease using Newlyn Harbour’s private water supply for drinking, brushing teeth and cooking, through signage and other communications, and providing a safe, alternative supply of water for such purposes at a central Harbour location, which will be available on site from Thursday 5 September. During the ongoing investigation, Newlyn Harbour’s private water supply can still be used for cleaning and other non-consumption purposes. Newlyn Pier & Harbour Commissioners will update Harbour users as soon as further information becomes available. Frequently Asked Questions Is the water safe to drink? No. A safe, alternative supply of water for drinking, brushing teeth and cooking will be provided at a central Newlyn Harbour location on Thursday 5 September. What is wrong with the water supply? Newlyn Harbour’s private water supply to one specific location on the Harbour Estate has been found to contain an excess level of lead, which presents a low risk to human health if consumed. All other test results fell within normal parameters. Can the Harbour use the South West Water supply? Yes, we can. However, the South West Water supply feeds into our own pipework so we need to investigate that first to establish whether the source of this contamination is within the Harbour’s infrastructure. When do you expect the supply to be restored? We are currently investigating the cause of the contamination and will update Harbour users as soon as more information becomes available. Is Newlyn Fish Market affected? No. Newlyn Fish Market continues to operate. Are vessels affected? Yes. Potable water for vessels is no longer available from the normal quayside connections. Any vessel that requires potable water should contact the Harbour Office. For further information or if you have questions, please contact the Harbour Office on 01736 362523 or email info@newlynharbour.com